Thursday, June 14, 2012

Plantilla islas maurious

Paula Mar Islas Mauricios


Advantages and disadvantages of Tuenti Now for introdution this topic, I explain what it is tuenti. Tuenti is social networking website usually young people who use them.Most people are hoocked on these social networks, tuenti, facebook,twiter... Frist I explain the advantages os tuenti in my point of view. The best advantage for me is that you can have contact with your friends and with people who live far from you. You can update your profile every day and you can see all that yours friends are doing.Also you can see the photos of yours friends. You can sent private messages like sms but free. Some of the desadvantages of tuenti are: The most important desadvantage for me is that tuenti is not as international as others social networks. If you want to do a tuenti, a friend of you have to inveted you by email. It is not a very secure network, many hacks you can easily get your Tuenti. There are many people that is hooked to Tuenti especially young children. This network can be addictive. Also I think that the people who use tuenti or any others networks makes you more open with the people, but it is not so,normally when you see them, you are more shameful. Other thing is that in tuenti you have got a lot of friends and in the real life not. Paula Arenas

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

borrador de la planificacion